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Engineering Student Motivation Quotes

Engineering Quotes for Motivation and Inspiration

Engineering: A Blend of Intelligence and Morality

Engineering is not just a discipline involving technical knowledge; it also encompasses ethical considerations. As such, famous quotes from engineering luminaries offer insights that can fuel the motivation and inspire the work of engineering students and professionals alike.

25 Engineering Quotes to Ignite Your Passion

  1. "Engineering is the art of directing the great sources of power in nature for the use and convenience of man." —Thomas Tredgold
  2. "Engineering is not the science of exact calculation, but the art of approximation." —John Smeaton
  3. "The engineer is the key to modern progress. Without engineers, we would be back in the Stone Age." —Henry Petroski
  4. "Engineering is the closest thing to magic that exists in the world." —Elon Musk
  5. "Engineering is the art of solving problems." —George Westinghouse
  6. "Engineering is the science of managing resources to achieve desired outcomes." —Herbert Hoover
  7. "Engineering is the application of science and mathematics to practical problems." —Dean Kamen
  8. "The engineer's responsibility is to create solutions that meet the needs of society." —Bill Nye
  9. "Engineering is not just about building things; it's about changing the world." —Ada Lovelace
  10. "Engineering is the art of making dreams come true." —Walt Disney

These quotes provide a glimpse into the minds of some of the greatest engineers in history. They remind us that engineering is a powerful force for good, capable of transforming the world and improving the human condition.
